It’s a Wrap! The Final Vision Slightly Blurred Episode

It’s a Wrap! The Final Vision Slightly Blurred Episode

After 139 episodes over 3 years, we’re wrapping up PhotoShelter’s Vision Slightly Blurred podcast. It has been a joy to talk about the intersection of photography, technology and culture and share those thoughts with you, our audience.

In this final episode: Andre D. Wagner is awarded the Gordon Parks Foundation Fellowship, Jonathan Blaustein shares his knowledge of the photo book publishing process, Michael Luo finds photo surveillance of Chinese immigrants in the 19th century, Gabriel Sanchez starts a new photo blog, New York Nico photographs some of NYC’s best signs, and Sarah and Allen wax nostalgic. 

Thanks to everyone for listening!

We mention the following photographers, articles, and websites in this episode:

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Allen Murabayashi is the co-founder of PhotoShelter.

There is 1 comment for this article
  1. Kiliii Yuyan at 5:09 pm

    I’m sad the podcast is ending! It was the only one that looked these broader issues around photography, from ethics to pop culture. Now that PDN has vanished and VSB as well, our conversations around this are going to get smaller and less rich. Thanks for a good run.

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