Share a Photo That Means the World to You

Share a Photo That Means the World to You

We all have a photo that means the world to us. Maybe it’s one we made ourselves – the first photo from our first camera. It could be an old family photo in a beloved photo album. Or maybe it’s an iconic image that hangs on our wall at home.

With World Photography Day coming up, there’s no better time to celebrate the artform we love the most, and to highlight meaningful photos from our passionate community on social media.

We asked photographers to share photos that mean a lot to them. The responses were thoughtful, powerful, fun, moving, and definitely worth sharing!

Read through the posts below and then share your own. Tag us on Twitter (X) @photoshelter, tell us about the photo, and we’ll update our list.

Do you have a photo that means the world to you?

Tag us on Twitter (X) or Instagram (@photoshelter) and share your most meaningful photos.

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Jeremy is the Content Marketing Manager at PhotoShelter, dedicated to connecting with our creative community and sharing inspiring stories.